Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I have been pondering my blog post.  I believe I was composing this as I went to sleep last night.  This is a chance to say and chat about so many things.  My chance to be deep and serious, silly, or nasty and mean.  I have to say I like my options.  I am always aware of the things that I put out there for people to see.  I hate to be offensive or hurt feelings.  I will try to overcome that here after all this is my blog and you don't have to read or like.

I was thinking about change.  You know they say some change and stress are actually good for you?  I agree with the students of Psychology on this one.  Having a new experiences are the results of change and stress.  There are people who love change and do it all the time prime example is all the ladies who dye their hair.  A constant change in their life.  I refuse to commit to this kind of change. 

There is also life change.  Plenty of people say they wouldn't change one part of their life.  Really? Seriously? No snarky comments you would like to go back and add?  No conversation you would have preferred to take back?  No last visit you would have made to a loved one who has passed?  This is the kind of change I would like.  I got some comments, some dates to pass on, and last visit to my Papaw England.

The change I can get behind the most.  Personal change and this is related to self.  The thing that I would like to change is self awareness.  I am in a crowd and stop or turn around and run smack dab into some stranger. I apologize and feel awkward.  Why did I not sense that person was there?  Have I always been so unaware of my surroundings?  I would like to think not but I guess my oldest friends would know the truth.  I have no said plan of action to make me aware,  I don't think Sony makes a game for that or would a first person shooter hone my skillz.  I could walk around pretending a sniper was hidden somewhere waiting for a clear shot.  This might cause more problems... So I hope to have some success at upcoming events this weekend. As G.I Joe says knowing is half the battle.  If I can get through Mickey on Ice without tripping over some kid or running down a fellow parent.  I will try to be aware.  I will keep you up to date on my personal goal of change.